DeSA Representation, Consultancy and Engineering Co. and Arthur Flury AG signed an agency agreement again:
Arthur Flury based in Switzerland was represented by Desa company in Turkish market for many years and as of september 1, 2015 Arthur Flury, has been transferred to ÖzenRAY company. As of February 1, 2019 selling and authorized representation in Turkey was given back to Desa company.
Beside SECHERON, R2P, TIBRAM, SAB CABLE, API CAPACITOR, COMAT RELECO companies that known as a brand name of their products in the world and specialized in their business fields .As a result of the cooperation established with ARTHUR FLURY, desa company with its sales experience over 20 years in Turkish market continues its activities with the understanding of upgrating the best service to its customers.
It is known that Arthur Flury AG, which DeSA is the representative , is a company that has made a name as a manufacturer of high quality catenary material, especially preferred neutral and zone isolators in the rail system electrification in the world market and in our country.
Arthur Flury (www.flury.ch) is especially a manufacturer of neutral section and all catenary material and these materials have been supplied to many lines of Istanbul Metro. including ANKARA-KONYA and ANKARA-İSTANBUL high speed train as well as İZMİR ALİAĞA-MENDERES LRS line.
Since many years the company's products providing quality materials for a lot of subway and light rail systems in Turkey and in the world, so AF products are preferred by the users because it is observed that the other competitors materials are cheaper and after the warranty period, or when the systems are put into operation, they have to be replaced .
AF company, has reported that it was ready to to provide offers for catenary materials and make cooperation with customers in Turkey for the following projects.
Arthur Flury company produces the following products not giving compromise to quality and engineering
• Special connection clamps
• Conical and cable head connection sockets
• Spring and various hangers
• Grounding and measurement equipment
• AC / DC Section Isolators (SI)
• Neutral Section Isolators (NS)
• Insulator bar and connections
• Contact wire crossing